Ball and Boe | Soho Theatre
Sh!t Theatre or What's Left of Us | Soho Theatre
Autism Mama | Soho Theatre
WEER | Soho Theatre
Polite Provocation | Soho Theatre
Flock | Soho Theatre
Colin | Soho Theatre
Jazz Emu: Knight Fever | Soho Theatre
Strategic Love Play | Soho Theatre
Boys on the Verge of Tears | Soho Theatre
Pansexual Pregnant Piracy | Soho Theatre
Don't Make Tea | Soho Theatre
52 Monologues for Young Transsexuals
Lucy and Friends | Soho Theatre
Wish You Weren't Here | Soho Theatre
Dina Martina: Substandards | Soho Theatre
How to Flirt: The TED XXX-mas Edition | Soho Theatre
Body Show | Soho Theatre
LORENZO | Soho Theatre
Salty Brine | Soho Theatre