On the eve of his 60th birthday, the roguish, yet well-mannered, gentleman of Pride and Prejudice embarks on a journey, taking us back through the events of his life. As he is faced with the realisation of his mortality, George Wickham takes us through some of literary history’s most prominent events, shedding light once-and-for-all on what really happened when we last heard of him 30 years prior. From his childhood torments with Darcy to the Battle of Waterloo to the notorious Lord Byron, Wickham takes us through a veritable journey back in time.
Adrian Lukis, star of the renowned BBC TV adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, returns to the role of Mr Wickham in this charming and witty reminiscence.
The show is set in Wickham’s hideout room, the one place in the house where he can seclude himself and enjoy a glass of brandy whilst following the scandalous happenings of the town from his window. The room’s walls include a window and a few mirrors, as well as a couple of oiled-lit lamps. The decrepit paint on the walls seems to suggest that although Mr Wickham grew up surrounded by the wealth of the Darcys, life has delt him some unfortunate cards. But much like the character himself, its beauty lies in the intricacies of the décor, a real credit to the designer Libby Watson.

Might be worth noting that things are not always as they appear, and that sentiment applies to the set of this show as well. Further, the lighting of this show by Johanna Town is delicate and subtle, complimenting the tone of the show perfectly, as well as being as historically accurate as it can be.
Adrian Lukis’ performance is as humorous as it is melancholic, and the nuanced complexity of this character makes him one for the ages. A roaring success is what this show is certain to become, and all things considered, it is hardly a surprise!
Being Mr Wickham runs at Jermyn Street Theatre. For more information and tickets, you can follow the link here.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4*)
Gifted tickets in return for an honest review | photography by James Findlay