White Rose the Musical is based upon the inspiring true story of a small group of students in Munich who secretly met to write, print and distribute leaflets to expose the Nazi deception. The story follows two siblings, Sophie and Hans School and their courage in the face of tyranny and paying the sacrifice.
Written by Brian Belding with direction from Will Nunziata, White Rose the Musical will be having its UK Premiere at the Marylebone Theatre from 27th February until 13th April and we took the opportunity to speak to Tobias Turley, who is playing the role of Hans to tell us more.
Q) Please could you tell us a little bit about the show and your character?
White Rose is an amazing true story about a group of German university students and their professor, who write and distribute leaflets detailing why the German people need to resist the Nazi party and their destruction of Germany. This tragic story is told with amazing music and a brilliant libretto. I play Hans Scholl, Hans is the leader of the White Rose and brother to Sophie Scholl, our protagonist. He is the link between the other university students and Sophie. He helps to orchestrate the groups next moves and write the leaflets.
Q) What was it initially about this story that drew you in and made you want to be involved?
When the director, Will Nunziata, first approached me to do the project, I was very excited. Then I went away and did some research on the real people and their resistance group. After learning about their amazing story and listening to the off-Broadway cast album my mind was made up.

Q) With this musical being based on a true story, how have you found the process of finding your character and placing yourself within their story?
It’s been a very different process preparing to play Hans Scholl. I've put a lot of time into researching him and the White Rose group as a whole. I want to make sure I do justice to the character and the real man himself. He has such a bold and strong story that needs to be told respectfully.
Q) You’ve recently appeared on the West End starring in Mamma Mia! - how does it feel bringing this musical to such an intimate theatre compared to a huge theatre?
It is a big shift but the Marylebone Theatre is the perfect venue to tell this story. It’s an intimate location which allows us to be bit more naturalistic in our acting, which really lends itself to this story.
Q) Why do you think it’s still important for these stories to still be told on stages in this current day, and how do you think audiences will now relate to its important themes and messages?
The story we are telling is as relevant today than ever before. So it is as important as ever to tell the people about this amazing story of resilience.
Q) What can audiences expect and why do you think audiences should come along?
Audiences should expect incredible acting, rocky music and at the heart of everything a tragic and emotional story.